Megan's one month old party

Baby Megan

Saturday, December 9, 2006

November 2006

  • Mummy gained weight dramatically this month, about 16 - 18 kg. You only weighed 1.7kg so about 15kg of totally new weight was totally mine.
  • 03/11/06, couldn't do 3D ultrasound for you because your face was turned to the other side. Instead we measured your foot and you've got a pair of big foot, about 6.01cm.
  • 11/11/06, for a smooth and swify delivery, we opted for caesarean surgery. Dr Tan told us we could seek auspicious "Feng Shui" date for you between 12/12/06 - 21/12/06.
  • Referred from Uncle Buck Kim (daddy's buddy friend), we looked for Mr Yiu Rong Zie(a famous geomancy) to choose a date for you. Your birthday will be on 16.12.2006.